What is Michael J Fox Height ? | Michael j fox height

Michael J. Fox, the beloved actor known for his iconic roles in “Back to the Future” and “Family Ties,” stands at a height of 5 feet 4 inches (163 centimeters or 1.63 meters). But there’s more to this actor than just his height. In this blog post, we’ll explore not only Michael J. Fox’s height but also his career and personal details.

Michael J. Fox’s Height Details and History

  • Height in Feet: 5 feet 4 inches
  • Height in Meters: 1.63 meters
  • Height in Centimeters: 163 centimeters

Standing at 5 feet 4 inches, Michael J. Fox is considered shorter than the average American male. However, his height did not deter him from achieving remarkable success in Hollywood. Born on June 9, 1961, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, as Michael Andrew Fox, he began his acting career at a young age.

Fox’s diminutive stature did not limit his talent, and he quickly gained recognition for his acting abilities. His breakthrough came with the role of Alex P. Keaton in the hit television series “Family Ties” (1982-1989), where he portrayed a conservative teenager in a liberal family. This role earned him widespread acclaim and made him a household name.

Despite his height, Fox’s charisma, wit, and acting prowess made him a sought-after actor in the entertainment industry. He continued to shine in his career, but it was his portrayal of Marty McFly in the “Back to the Future” trilogy (1985, 1989, 1990) that catapulted him to international stardom. The films became classics, and Fox’s performance solidified his place in cinematic history.

Michael J. Fox’s Career and Why He Became Famous


Michael J. Fox’s career was not only marked by his height but also by his undeniable talent. He became famous for his:

  1. Versatile Acting: Fox displayed remarkable versatility in his roles, moving seamlessly between comedy and drama. His ability to connect with audiences emotionally endeared him to millions.
  2. Impactful Advocacy: In 1991, Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Instead of retiring from public life, he became a powerful advocate for Parkinson’s research. His Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research has raised significant funds and awareness for the cause.
  3. Resilience: Despite facing health challenges, Fox continued to act in various television series and made guest appearances, demonstrating his resilience and determination.
  4. Philanthropy: Beyond his advocacy for Parkinson’s research, Fox engaged in numerous charitable endeavors, contributing to various causes.

Michael J. Fox’s Personal Details

Full Name: Michael Andrew Fox
Nationality: Canadian-American
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married

These personal details provide a glimpse into the life of this renowned actor and activist.

Social Media Profiles

You can follow Michael J. Fox on his social media platforms to stay updated on his activities and advocacy work.

Key Points

  • Michael J. Fox’s height is 5 feet 4 inches (163 centimeters).
  • He became famous for his versatile acting, impactful advocacy for Parkinson’s disease research, resilience in the face of health challenges, and philanthropic efforts.
  • Despite his height, Fox’s talent and charisma made him a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.

Author’s Conclusion

Michael J. Fox is not just a talented actor but also a symbol of resilience and determination. His ability to overcome challenges and use his fame for a noble cause has earned him admiration worldwide. Despite being 5 feet 4 inches tall, he stands tall in the hearts of his fans.


Is Michael J. Fox still acting?

Yes, he has continued to act in various television series and make guest appearances despite his Parkinson’s diagnosis.

How tall is Michael J. Fox?

Michael J. Fox is 5 feet 4 inches tall (163 centimeters).

What is Michael J. Fox famous for?

He is famous for his acting career, particularly his role as Marty McFly in the “Back to the Future” trilogy, and his advocacy for Parkinson’s disease research.

When was Michael J. Fox diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease?

He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1991, at the age of 29.

What is the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research?

It is a charitable organization founded by Michael J. Fox to raise funds and awareness for Parkinson’s disease research.

Check hereĀ What is Paul Wight Height?


  1. Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
  2. IMDb – Michael J. Fox
  3. Michael J. Fox – Biography

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