What is Mark Ruffalo Height ? | How tall is mark ruffalo ?

Mark Ruffalo, a versatile actor and activist, has captured the hearts of audiences around the world with his compelling performances. Among the various aspects of his life that fans are curious about, one often wonders about his height. In this article, we will explore Mark Ruffalo’s height, delve into the details and history behind it, discuss his illustrious career, present key personal details, and provide links to his social media profiles.

Mark Ruffalo’s Height Details and History

  • Feet: 5 feet 8 inches
  • Meter: 1.73 meters
  • Centimeter: 173 cm

Mark Ruffalo stands at a height of 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm). While his height may not be considered towering in the context of Hollywood, it has not hindered his ability to take on a diverse range of roles. Ruffalo’s journey in the entertainment industry has been marked by his dedication to his craft rather than his physical stature.

Height can play a role in casting decisions, and Ruffalo’s ability to transcend traditional expectations has allowed him to portray characters with depth and authenticity. His height, rather than being a limitation, has contributed to the relatability of his characters.

Career Highlights


Mark Ruffalo rose to prominence through a combination of talent, versatility, and a commitment to socially relevant roles. He gained widespread recognition for his portrayal of Bruce Banner/The Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a role that showcased both his dramatic and comedic abilities. His performances in movies like “The Kids Are All Right” and “Foxcatcher” further solidified his reputation as an actor of exceptional caliber.

Beyond acting, Ruffalo is known for his activism, particularly in environmental issues. His dedication to the causes he believes in has added another layer to his public persona.

Personal Details

Full Name Mark Alan Ruffalo
Nationality American
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Birthdate November 22, 1967
Birthplace Kenosha, Wisconsin, USA

Social Media Profiles

Key Points

  • Mark Ruffalo is 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm) tall.
  • He gained fame for his role as Bruce Banner/The Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
  • Ruffalo is known for his activism in environmental causes.
  • He is married and was born on November 22, 1967.

Author’s Conclusion

In conclusion, Mark Ruffalo’s height is a mere facet of his identity, overshadowed by his incredible talent, dedication to impactful roles, and his activism on environmental issues. His career is a testament to the idea that success in Hollywood is not solely determined by physical attributes.


Is Mark Ruffalo married?

Yes, Mark Ruffalo is married.

What is Mark Ruffalo’s most famous role?

His portrayal of Bruce Banner/The Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

When was Mark Ruffalo born?

Mark Ruffalo was born on November 22, 1967.

What is Mark Ruffalo’s height?

Mark Ruffalo is 5 feet 8 inches (173 cm) tall.

What is Mark Ruffalo known for outside of acting?

Mark Ruffalo is known for his activism, particularly in environmental issues.

Check hereĀ What is Daniel Kaluuya Height ?


  1. IMDb – Mark Ruffalo
  2. Wikipedia – Mark Ruffalo
  3. Twitter – Mark Ruffalo

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